European Data Protection Laws explained

In recent months there has been much talk about the changes to the European Data Protection legislation and how it will impact marketers around the globe. Importantly, the European law doesn’t just affect those companies based in Europe – it extends far beyond to any organisations that hold data about individuals based in Europe. In essence, this means that Australian companies may be affected by the new laws.

The new legislation, which is now in the form of a Regulation, which means it should apply uniformly across Europe, introduces new requirements for business collecting, using and handling personal information. It also substantially increases the rights of consumers and the ability they have to control the use of their data.

The new legislation is complex and requires all organisations that have a European link OR that have customers in Europe to sit up and take notice. It is important to understand the provisions and how they apply to current marketing practices. Compliance is essential ad the fine are high if you get it wrong.

ADMA is pleased to provide its members with a comprehensive guide to the new data protection laws. This outlines step-by-step the new laws and how they apply to marketing. A big thank you to our German counterparts – the Dialogue Marketing Association based in Frankfurt, for putting together such a comprehensive guide and making it available to Australian marketers. We hope you find this a valuable resource as we all grapple with the new laws.

Download the Best Practice Guide European General Data Protection Regulation.